Saturday 29 November 2014

My Little Star

I painted this for my youngest daughter Holly, who's 12 years old.  Unfortunately Holly developed Crohns Disease 2 years ago and as yet they haven't found the right medication to put the Crohns into remission.  But the good news is that she is starting a new treatment next week which we are all very hopeful for.  Out of my three children, she is the one who has always been the most fearful, she cannot stand any kind of pain, has a real fear of needles and is just very very sensitive.  So you can imagine for her, more than for most people, having Crohns is really scarey and all the tests/procedures that come with it are well outside her comfort zone.

So that is why I was inspired to paint this for her because I think Holly is just so brave, she always trying to put on a happy face and she really is my little star.

I draw my characters outline with my PITT Charcoal Pencil and then for the night sky I used Americana's Deep Midnight Blue.  Once the paint was dry I rubbed in some gesso with my finger.  I was trying to achieve very wispy clouds that had a real translucence to them and I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.  Then using a fine brush I added dots and crosses for the twinkly stars.

For the star shape I just used a buttercup acrylic, gesso and then outlines the whole shape with my charcoal eencil.  I wanted it to look very plan, like a piece of painted cardboard a child could just push their face through. 

Her face was painted with antique white with buttercup and midnight blue for tones.  The feature were all drawn back in with my charcoal pencil and I then used my white paint pen to add highlights to her eyes making them sparkle.

Sorry I didn't take any more photos, I was having so much fun painting her I forgo,t oops.  Her body was painted with paynes grey, then gesso and then some more paynes grey on top.  I used my trusty White Sharpie Paint Pen for the writing.

I was really pleased with how she turned out and Holly loves her.

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend

Julie x

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