Saturday 10 January 2015

One Hundred Faces

About a week ago I started the One Hundred Faces challenge after seeing so many amazing pictures on instagram posted by people already doing the challenge. 

It was originally started by Sharon Tomlinson on her blog back in Feb 2014. There are no rules or time restrictions except the ones you set yourself (one lady is painting on tea bags). Sharon started painting her on pieces of paper 1.5x1.25 inches, but I think used a variety of sizes in the end, they are amazing.  Sharon has finished all her 100 faces and along the way she has motivated/inspired many people to join her. 

So I would higher recommend checking out the 'one hundred faces' group on Facebook and #onehundredfaces on instagram.  Here are my first two faces in charcoal (paper is 4.5x6 inches) 

Then I thought I would paint some and eventually moved to A4 canvas board.  So only 94 more to go, no problem!

Friday 9 January 2015

The In-Breath

Still in the excited phase of my relationship with my new Winsor and Newton Antique White Oilbar.  I used him to paint my girl and her dress, he's just so perfect, so versatile.  I'm beginning to feel a need for his brothers Paynes Grey and Raw Umber. I think I'll be happy with just the three colours because acrylics blend so well with them. But then again I never say never when it comes to art supplies.

I used gesso and acrylics on the background, layered using my paint brush, fingers and palette knife. Her hair was applied with my palette knife and the finishing touches were added using inktense pencils for the finer details.

Really pleased with how she turned out, love the serene look on her face.

Wishing you all a Fantastic Friday x x x

Thursday 8 January 2015

Children's Board Book

I bought a second hand children's board book from my local charity shop for only 99p.  I had to sit and pick the glossy film off of each of the pages (which in it's self was quite therapeutic) and gesso over the rough cardboard before I could begin painting.

It's only 6x6 inches, the perfect size to paint little quirky faces in, to play and experiment in. I don't think any of them took much more than half on hour to paint, but it's just enough to feed my painting addiction on those days when I don't have time to really indulge.

And here are some more pages, as you can probably tell I'm a big fan of Mindy Lacefield and my palette knife.

For the last 2 pages I was so excited about getting my new Winsor & Newton Antique White Oilbar that I didn't even gesso the cardboard before smearing acrylics and oilbar into them with my finger, resulting in a very rough finish and me being totally in love with my oilbar. It's sooooo thick and creamy and acrylics blend beautifully with it 

I still have 4 pages and the front/back to paint, who knew board books had so many pages?  I love my little board book and had already started a new one which is 7.5x8.5 inches, but there is just something about this size that I really love.  So I guess that means another trip to the charity shop, Wishing you all a wonderful day x x x